/*------------------------------------------------------------------[table of contents][&. content / #key][let press ctrl f and type of paste the key, then press enter to search the content ]1. banner slider | #banner2. features section | #features3. what we do section | #what-we-do4. meet our doctor section | #meet-doctor5. patients saying section | #patients6. latest news section | #latest-news7. about us section | #about-us8. responsive for small device | #responsive-------------------------------------------------------------------*//* banner slider | #banner */#banner-sliders .carousel-inner .item .carousel-caption { top: 30%; left: 14%; right: 14%; bottom: auto; text-align: left; width: 575px; text-shadow: none;}#banner-sliders .carousel-inner .item .carousel-caption .heading { font-size: 45px; color: #5ca5dd; line-height: 1.2; margin-bottom: 20px;}#banner-sliders .carousel-inner .item .carousel-caption .heading span { color: #006ec3; font-weight: bold;}#banner-sliders .carousel-inner .item .carousel-caption .sub-heading { font-size: 18px; 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